Exhibition „Radiation-Strahlung“
In the context of the 4th European IRPA-congress
June 21-27, 2014 in Geneva
A one-of-a-kind invitational exhibition of textile art initiated by the
German-Swiss Association for Radiation Protection is building bridges between science and art.
The German Quilt Groups “Schnipsis” and “Freischerler”, as long as
quilters from several countries took the topic "radiation" as
inspiration for art works from various perspectives. 80 Quilts and textile
objects will be on display at the congress center in Geneva. Topics range from
'big bang' to 'CERN' with many variations inbetween.
Location: CICG (Centre International de Conférence)
17, rue Varembé
CH-1211 Genf
opening hours: June 21: 14-18 o'clock
June22-27 : 8-18 o'clock
Angelika Henrichs